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Umbrella of Hope - Animal Rescue


Umbrella of Hope is aptly named as it really is a needed "umbrella" that gives hope to animals, primarily dogs and cats, that would otherwise have none. However, Umbrella of Hope (UOH) is not a shelter in the traditional sense. Rather, the focus of UOH is on the rescue,

rehabilitation, and placement in forever homes, of animals who are in danger of losing their lives in shelters. UOH recuses animals from shelters who are on "death row" (probable euthanasia) due to the animals age or physical limitations, or the shelters limited space or resources. These are animals had definitely run out of hope and the clock was ticking.

UOH provides veterinary services as necessary to vaccinate, spay/neuter, and treat any medical issue. (Big shout out to Well Pet Veterinary Clinic in Pittsburg, CA!). Following which the animal is placed in a safe foster home until adopted by his/her forever home.

UOH has taken on a monumental task and current rescues 150+ animals annually! That's a lot of souls saved! In addition, UOH finds a home for the animal that is not only loving forever, but will even try to match owners with similar situations. For example, if the dog is elderly then UOH may look for an elderly owner, or if a cat is missing a leg then UOH may look for an amputee as an owner. The theory is that the bound between the forever owner and the animal will become even stronger as they navigate their similar issue together. Sounds like a plausible and a really nice theory to me.

UOH is always in need of all forms of support in whatever amount or capacity is available. No act of kindness is too small. Please contact Umbrella of Hope for more information.

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