Why For Their Future Photography?
(In a nutshell)
For Their Future Photography began in concept several decades ago when Mark had the good fortune to travel to Africa on Safari. In preparation for the trip, Mark purchased his first DSLR camera. Always an animal lover and interested in nature, Mark found a creative joy in capturing wildlife in photographs; always hunting for that special image. That creative joy for Mark continues today as strong as ever!
Upon return from Africa, Mark remained much more focused on the financial future of his family than on his newly found passion for photography. So, as one might expect, Mark pushed on with his career in law and real estate and put aside his camera, at least most of the time. Mark still managed to indulge his interest in photography through occasional trips to nature destinations throughout the world, a brief side-gig as an aerial photograph and, of course, there were also many opportunities to photograph family and friends.
Mark’s children grew up and with his family financially secure, he slid into retirement. With retirement came a phenomena called "free time" which has allowed Mark to finally pursue his decades old passion for photography and to establish For Their Future Photography as a way to give back by supporting wildlife conservation and animal wellbeing.

The mission of For Their Future Photography is to support wildlife conservation and animal welfare worldwide through photography and social awareness .